2024-01-24 PORTUGAL

Assembly of Provincial Councils of the Marist Region of Europe

The Provincials and Councilors of the 5 Administrative Units of the Marist Region of Europe met in Carcavelos, Portugal, from January 15-18. Representing the General Government were the Vicar General, Br. Luis Carlos Gutiérrez, the councilors who are links with the Region, Brothers João Carlos do Prado and Ben Consigli, and Br. Goyo Linacero, Assistant to the Econome General and Project Manager of the Strategic Plan of the General Administration.

The Assembly aimed three fundamental objectives:

  1. thoroughly understanding the reality of Europe to gain a vision that guides future actions and decisions,
  2. establishing a common language throughout the region from internal, canonical, and legal perspectives,
  3. and projecting the operation of the region for the next 10 years, setting a clear and sustainable path for the Marist community in Europe.

The Marist region of Europe is formed by four Marist Provinces (Compostela, Ibérica, L’Hermitage and Mediterránea) and the Central-West Europe District. In the Region, the Marists are present in 15 countries: Spain, Portugal, Romania, France, Greece, Hungary, Algeria, Italy, Lebanon, Syria, Germany, United Kingdom, Belgium, Ireland and the Netherlands.

Inspiring ideas and ambitious goals

Brother Gabriel Villa-Real, coordinator of the Regional Council of Marists in Europe, inaugurated the meeting by encouraging participants to build a strong vision for the future and not be afraid to explore new ideas and approaches. He also emphasized the need to be creative in facing challenges. However, he also stressed the importance of including doses of realism and of cultivating the ability to listen in order to understand the needs and aspirations of the Marist community in Europe, ensuring respect for Marist values.

Brother Gabriel emphasized that while nothing is “new” in absolute terms, innovation and constant adaptation are the key to staying relevant and meaningful.

On the second day of the Assembly, the general counsellors Brothers JoĂŁo Carlos and Ben focused on the theme of reconfiguration. The process was analysed from internal, canonical, legal, and civil perspectives. The counsellors highlighted the importance of addressing these processes as a global family, inspired by the vision of what “God wants us to be and do.” They also urged participants to visualize the opportunities that a reconfiguration process could offer in terms of vitality, viability, and sustainability of Marist mission in Europe.

Reflections after the closure

The closing of the event featured significant speeches offered by the representatives of the 5 Administrative Unities. Among the interventions that marked the end of this important meeting were the words of Brother Aureliano GarcĂ­a Manzanal, Provincial of Mediterránea, who conveyed a message of confidence in the future. In his speech, he emphasized the need to trust that the future will be good “thanks to the God who accompanies us” and then he expressed his gratitude to all the attendees.

Brothers João Carlos do Prado, General Councilor, and Luis Carlos Gutiérrez, Vicar General, shared a realistic and generous vision of the region’s future. They stressed the importance of moving forward with canonical foundations and solid structures, with the enthusiasm to reorganise the Marist system in Europe towards a more sustainable and operational structure. Their message was clear: to continue working steadily and caring for the provinces.

Communication strategy was also defined as a crucial aspect, which implies the need to study how to effectively convey proposals, decisions and possible changes emerged of the Assembly. This shows the commitment to keep the Marist community informed and engaged.

Mission sustainability

During this meeting, sensitive and vital issues for the sustainability of the Marist mission in Europe were addressed. In this regard, attention was focused on the importance of revitalizing vocational animation. Also, on keeping international mission fields active, due to the opportunities for growth that they represent. Finally, youth pastoral care was highlighted, seen as an essential tool for the commitment and guidance of future generations.

Another challenge put to the table was the diversity of the region, which, however, was identified as an opportunity to practice and promote the Christian values that characterize the community of brothers from its beginnings. In this way, spirituality, mission, and life were placed at the centre of the European Marist community.

For the closing, Brother Gabriel Villa-Real, Provincial de l’Hermitage and Regional Coordinator, expressed his thanks again. In his presentation, he acknowledged the contribution of the complementary services team and highlighted the work of the animators, facilitators, and coordinators of the Assembly for their crucial role in positioning the community in the reality of the marist region of Europe.

In summary, the Assembly of Provincial Councils in Carcavelos was a meeting point where spirituality, mission, and life guided the path towards a Marist future filled with confidence, generosity, and innovation. It was presided over by a fraternal atmosphere and a permanent commitment to continue answering Christ’s call and to keep building and evangelizing through the path set by our founder, Marcellin Champagnat, and in the charisma of Mary, our Good Mother.



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