2023-10-29 CHILE

Bonding of 16 laymen and women of the Province of Santa María de los Andes to the Marist charism

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On October 21, 16 laymen and women belonging to the Chile Sector of the Province of Santa María de los Andes made their sign of bonding to the Marist charism. All belong to the fraternities of the MCHFM or to lay communities, with many years of vocational process. They requested to participate in the Itinerary of Discernment for Bonding to the Marist Charism, designed especially for this instance, whose personalized accompaniment lasted eight months.

The Provincial Superior, Br. Pablo González, who welcomed the new members, the Vice-Provincial, Br. Patricio Pino, the brothers of the Chile Sector, the Provincial Commission of Marist Life, members of the lay communities and fraternities, as well as family and friends, were witnesses of this occasion.

The ceremony took place in a Eucharist and consisted of the individual reading of the commitment formula; Afterward, the Vice-Provincial presented them with the cross of the lay associates as a distinctive sign and then proceeded to sign the book of registration of this commitment. At the end of the Eucharist, each of the 16 members wrote their name in Mary’s heart, recalling Champagnat’s sending gesture, and the community accompanied them with a prayer of consecration to the Good Mother.

The bonding to the Marist charism of these 16 lay men and women is the public explanation of living their Christian life project from the characteristic aspects of the Marist charism. It is a free, mature, and voluntary response to their vocational process, born from the heart of each one of them and in coherence with the process they have been following for several years. It supposes a clear awareness of belonging to the Marist charism and of commitment to its vitality and future, in communion with the brothers.


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