2010-09-13 KENYA

Bringing uniformity to programmes of initial formation

The Brothers in charge of houses of initial formation and the vocation promotors of Africa held a meeting from  19 to 23 July 2010 at Marist International Centre (MIC), Nairobi, Kenya. This meeting formed part of the long process of improving and standardizing the programmes of initial formation in our houses of formation from the stage of vocations recruitment and the aspirancy up to the post-novitiate, and of a dialogue between the  agents of formation in Africa. The Brothers had previously organized this type of meeting in 1999 and 2007.

All the provinces and the district sent at least one Brother who is working as vocations promoter or formator. The community of Marist International Centre (MIC) was strongly represented by a big number of Brothers. Here is the list of representatives:


Representative of


Osuji Gregory Ekene

Province of Nigeria

Promotor of vocations

Tiamaro Alphonse

Province of Madagascar

Master of postulants

Kpunsa Stephen

District of West Africa

Master of postulants

Mensah John Kusi

District of West Africa

Promotor of vocations

Taylor Daniel

District of West Africa

Promotor of vocations

Phiri Chiza L

Province of Southern Africa

Promotor of vocations

Beguerem Blaise

District of West Africa

Promotor of vocations

Nsabimana Egide

Province of Central East Africa

Promotor of vocations

Mbeng Martin Nguma

District of West Africa

Promotor of vocations

Kabanguka Eugene

General Administration

General Council

Nzabonaliba Albert

Marist International Centre

Formator of MIC

Obiefule Nicholas

Province of Nigeria

Master of  postulants

Ezetulugo Joachim

Marist International Centre

Formator of MIC

Anokwuru Mark

Province of Nigeria

Master of novices

Gandeebo Cyprain

Marist International Centre

Formator of MIC

Kalisa Theoneste

Province of Central East Africa

Master of  novices

Kifala Joseph

Province of Central East Africa

Promotor of vocations

Ezeugwu Eugene

Marist International Centre

Formator of MIC

Grageda Teodoro

Province of Central East Africa

Master of postulants

Bwalya Patrick

Province of Southern Africa

Master of postulants

Mwila Norbert

Province of Southern Africa

Master of novices

Oruche Mike

Marist International Centre

Formator of MIC

Mercier Adrien

Province of Central East Africa

Promotor of vocations

Ndanga Spiridion

Marist International Centre

Formator of  MIC

The  participants made reflections and exchanges on vocation discernment, formation to prayer, and the best method of accompanying the young men in our houses of formation. The last day was consecrated to taking resolutions for the formators and recommendations to be addressed to the major superiors in view of improving methods of formation work at each level.

Among the most important recommendations are the revision of the formation  programme at each level established in 1999 and the consideration of the work of vocations promotion as a quite separate responsibility  carried out by a Brother with no other function. The participants also recommended that the major superiors  prolong the period of  formation for the  aspirants and postulants,  each group having a whole year of  formation instead of  6 months. They also undertook to hold similar meetings at the end of every two years of work.

By Brother Alphonse Tiamaro, province of Madagascar.


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