2021-05-24 BRAZIL

Brother Deivis Alexandre Fischer, new Provincial of Brazil South-Amazonia

The General Council has appointed Brother Deivis Alexandre Fischer as Provincial of the Province of Brazil Sul-AmazĂ´nia for the three-year period 2022-2024, following the consultation carried out with the Brothers, who proposed names and the profile desired for the role at this time.

Br Deivis will replace Br Inácio Nestor Etges, Provincial since 2015. He will begin his mandate at the opening of the Provincial Chapter, scheduled for 23-26 November this year.

In the letter sent to the Brothers of the Province, Br Ernesto thanked Br Deivis for making himself available: “Thank you very much for your openness and generosity in accepting this mission of leadership at the service of your Province. Your capacity for listening and organising, your closeness to people, your experience as formator and as Vice Provincial for some years, as well as your experience at the XXII General Chapter will be of great help to you. And, of course, the energy that comes with your young age.”

The Superior General also thanked Br Inácio: “You have piloted the new Province since its beginning in 2015, after previously serving as Provincial for 6 years. Your leadership has been characterised by your ready availability and capacity for listening, in the diverse reality that is Brazil. Your close working relationship with the other Provincials of Brazil and South America has also been very valuable”.

Ir. Deivis Alexandre Fischer

Br Deivis has a degree in Pastoral Theology and Philosophy, with a specialization in Sociology and a Master’s in Education. Since 2019, he has been Provincial Councilor, leader of the team coordinating Consecrated Life and Laity and Postulant Master in the Mother of God Marist Community.

In his ministry, he has exercised different functions ranging from teacher, coordinator of ministry in School settings, leader of Marist Youth Ministry, before taking up a management role as vice-president of the Marist Network, vice-Provincial and president of the Executive Board of the Marist Union of Brazil, among other responsibilities (see here the complete biography).

Message of Br. Deivis


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