2024-06-21 MEXICO

Central Mexico successfully held the 6th Youth Meeting for the Care of the Common Home

The Marist Students and educators of the Province of Central Mexico met from June 13 to 14 at the Colegio México Roma, in Mexico City, to hold the 6th Youth Meeting for the Care of the Common Home, with the motto “young people united by a sustainable future.”

The event brought together young people committed to protecting the planet and had the objectives: to strengthen the commitment to caring for the environment, share experiences and learn together.

During the two days of the meeting, participants had the opportunity to attend panels, worktables and interactive workshops, in addition to presenting their projects focused on sustainability and caring for the Earth. Among the featured activities were the poster rounds, where works on eco-technological topics, climate change and biodiversity were exhibited.

The event was attended by important educational figures and collaborating organizations, who shared their experiences and knowledge. The province thanked the enthusiastic participation of young people and the support of institutions such as Cáritas México and the Laudato Sí Movement.

Like previous events, the 6th meeting was a success and promoted concrete actions among young people, for a more sustainable future.

The fifth call of the XXII General Chapter of the Marist Brothers also invites us to “Awaken with in us and around us an ecological awareness that commits us to care for our common home”.


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