2005-06-27 COLOMBIA

Champagnat?s dream is still alive

From the 3rd to the 6th June, a meeting of Marist aspirants took place at Champagnat House. This meeting was the first of two meetings at the national level (one in the north and another in the south of Colombia) intended for young people who are following vocational accompaniment.
Participating also in these four days of brotherhood were Brothers Martín Orduz, Fernando Palacios, Javier Echeverri, Jesús Manzano and Leonardo Yepes. There were twenty-two young people from Pasto, Sibundoy, San José de Albán, Belén and Guatarilla. We used a dynamic for getting to know yourself, for the meaning of vocation, for becoming closer to Jesus and for being more familiar with the Marist world. We finished with a desert day. During this meeting, all the young people had the opportunity to have a personal interview during which they shared their worries and their doubts, and we endeavoured to know and understand them better.
Our meeting finished on the 6th June with the celebration of the Feast of Saint Marcellin, during which we asked him to send us many more young people wanting to serve the Lord in our family, as Marist Brothers.
We give thanks to the lord for these days of special presence and we continue to ask our brothers and laypeople to give 20% of their time to the promotion of vocations. These twenty-two young men are the best proof that Champagnat?s dream is still alive today!


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