2013-03-15 BRAZIL

CHANGE : make the difference !

On February 25 and 26, the Organizing Committee of the International Marist Youth Gathering (IMYG) met at Saint Joseph’s Marist School, Tijuca, the Marist center which will welcome the IMYG 2013/CHANGE participants. The meeting had a number of goals: introducing the new members of the Commission; adjusting the work schedule; defining communication strategies; organizing the registration process; defining the decoration elements; concluding the planning with different work teams (liturgy, logistics, wellbeing, culture, secretariat, communications and marketing); defining the office or stand for UNICEF; discussing the process to train volunteers; and assessing the progress of the contest to choose the theme song for the gathering. The teams shared their achievements and the next steps in their planning.

Visiting some Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) was also part of the agenda, so the Commission spent a whole morning working in subgroups to meet with them and invite them to share their experiences with the Marist students who will take part in the IMYG in July.

class=imgshadowThe Organizing Committee once again emphasized the importance of promoting the broad participation and leadership of young people through discussion panels, workshops and artistic performances, highlighting the interaction between the different cultures and nationalities which will be present.

According to the document Evangelizers in the Midst of Youth: “Our charism urges to listen carefully to the calls in our day, to people’s yearnings and anxieties, especially those of the young. We welcome them with gladness, and living our Marist fraternity, together we go about planting hope. Our desire to be with young people in their own situations propels us to come up with new approaches in education and evangelization” (No. 54).

May this meeting help to further transform the hearts of young people, making Champagnat’s dream real and possible for everyone.

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