2006-06-27 GHANA

District of West Africa: The family increases

On Saturday the 17th June, there was a great celebration at the regional Novitiate of Sabin-Akrofrom, which serves the Province of Nigeria and the District of West Africa. A group of five novices of four nationalities pronounced their first vows: two from Nigeria and three from the District which represents respectively Chad, Liberia and Ghana.

The ceremony took place outside in the gardens of the Novitiate and was presided over by the bishop of Obuasi, Bishop Thomas Mensah, who concelebrated with about twenty priests. As usual in Africa for this type of event, there were many participants: the brothers from the other three communities in Ghana, fifty religious from other congregations and a great number of parishioners from the neighbouring parish of Trede.

The vows were received by Brother José Antonio Ruiz, District Superior, who was accompanied by Brother Christian Mbam, Provincial of Nigeria. The hymns and the animation of the Eucharist were performed by the parish choir and the group of ?Champagnat boys?, created by the Novitiate. The ceremony was followed by a meal shared by most of the participants.

With these professions, the number of brothers in the District of West Africa is now seventy, of whom fifty are originally from the District.


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