2021-05-08 PHILIPPINES

East Asia Province promote safer cyberspace advocacy for children and youth at risks

Around Three Hundred Twenty-Five (325) participated in the first Cyberspace Workshop for Marist Communities session, happening last April 29 in a zoom meeting. The workshop was facilitated by the CyberguardiansPH, a non-government organization working in coalition with other agencies for the protection of children and youth.

The workshop’s objective was to promote child protection in cyberspace and to raise awareness of the alarming statistics of Online Sexual Exploitation of Children (OSEC) around the world.

Referring to the topic, Br. Ador Santiago, Provincial, said that Protecting children and youth comes second nature in the heart of every Marist. ​It is embedded in our Marist DNA.  He cited the Constitution saying, “The wellbeing, safety, and protection of children and young people is a high priority and the primary responsibility of every brother, every Marist community, every Marist ministry and the entire Institute.”  (Constitutions of the Marist Brothers, Article 4.)

Keynote Speaker, Sr. Mary John Mananzan, OSB, currently St. Scholastica’s Director for Research and Development Foundation, gave a tall challenge and suggested possible concrete responses for the schools, the church and the government to undertake and work together to ensure the safety of all in cyberspace.

Br. Crispin Betita, said in his context-setting message, “…as Marists, we cannot remain indifferent to this new emerging situation threatening the wellbeing of children and youth.  Their protection is our utmost responsibility!”.

The alarming statistics presented by Mrs. Maria Conception Sangil, core member of the CyberguardiansPH Team, provided the backdrop for the relevance of this East Asia Province “cyberguardianship” advocacy.

This Safer Cyberspace Advocacy Workshop is expected to give rise to initiatives that will be carried out by the Child Protection Desk of the East Asia Province.  The second session will be carried out on May 14.


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