2009-03-13 MALAWI

Encountering God from ?Water from the Rock?

The Horizon programme that is currently going on here in Malawi at Nyungwe is such a wonderful organization that is enriching us the young Brothers from the Southern Africa and East Africa Provinces. In the past week we were privileged to have a Brother who gave us a course on Marist Spirituality. His main resource book was WATER FROM THE ROCK. He shared with us his knowledge and experience with the book and what he gave us was really revitalizing to all of us.

Water from the Rock brought to us to a real encounter with God the Father who is loving, tender, present, compassionate, source of grace, author of vocations and indeed life giver.

As the workshop was progressing, we came to realise that as Father, God is Love. His love is boundless; he loves us despite who we are. His love is unconditional and has no limits.

In his love for us, God the Father is also Grace to all his children. He provides graces to us in all our daily undertakings so that we may be able to carry out his mission even though it may be challenging and difficult to carry ought. He renews us spiritually and enhances our apostolic dynamism as we journey on this earthly pilgrimage (WFR 18).

Interestingly, we came to discover that we do not call ourselves to our vocations but that God the father is the Author of all our vocations. He enters forcefully into our lives just as he did with Mary and Marcellin Champagnat in their own lives. When he calls, he gives us our own identity as our hearts long to be with him. He transforms us and speaks to our hearts and sends us on mission. This gives us energy to accept, trust and commit ourselves to God (WFR 51, 58-59).

Another marvellous encounter with God is that he is Faithful. Our Father does not change his plans for us. He fulfils his plans for us and is always present and closer to us and never leaves us alone. (WFR 61)

We have also come to an encounter with God who is Merciful. He is always on our side when we speak the truth despite the consequences that may befall us, when we provide healing to the sick, when we receive and offer forgiveness, when we celebrate Eucharist and share his word and indeed when we do good and promote goodness among his people (WFR 57).

We cannot come to an end of our encounter with God without speaking that we came to know our God as the one who is full of tenderness. Indeed he loves us unconditionally in spite and despite our limitations. He is our friend who never leaves us alone at any given time. Actually, he is our marvellous companion.

Finally, we came to discover God as Life. He is life maker and life giver, without him our existence is useless and has no meaning. God our father is indeed Water from the Rock nourishing our lives day in and day out.

Prepared by Brothers F. Mwambucha, E. Mwanalirenji and A. Ganiza.
Nyanguwe 29th February 2009


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