2008-02-22 GENERAL HOUSE

Final decisions for getting the project underway

Over a two day period, three groups met at the Generalate to put the final touches on the decisions which are needed before construction and remodeling work at the Hermitage can get under way. The three groups were the Hermitage Committee, the architectural/technical team handling the work, and the General Council. The meeting had been set up some months ago so as to coincide with the Plenary Council?s winter sessions. The main reason for holding the meeting was to make the final decisions about the Project, and then to hand it over to the companies which will carry out the work.

Representing the Hermitage Commission were the following Brothers: Luis García Sobrado, Vicar General, Rome; Antonio Martínez Fernández, Econome General, Rome; Heribert Pujolàs, Provincial Econome of Hermitage Province (France-Catalunya); André Déculty, Vicar Provincial of Hermitage Province (France-Catalunya); Josep María Soteras, Secretary of the Commission (France-Catalunya); Albert André, Belgium; Jean Pierre Destombes, France; Michael Flanigan, USA; Michel Morel, France, and Onorino Rota, Italy.

Led by architect, Mr. Joan Puig-Pey, the construction team includes Messrs. Jaume Pujol, Yves Poncet, Stéphane Roulleau, architects; Fabrize Dumazet and Olivier Comme, engineers; and Félix Gracia, accountant.
The decisions which were made during the meeting will affect various aspects of the Project. First of all are (a) the new structures, (b) the procedures to be followed in the construction and remodeling, and (c) the costs involved. In addition, provisions have been made regarding the disposition of furniture and other materials which are in (or associated with) the Hermitage. Finally there is the matter of how the future on-site community will be composed, having responsibility as it will of welcoming visitors and providing them with an interesting and animated visit.

Now that the entire consultation and planning process has been completed, it remains for the Hermitage Province Council and the General Council to decide how to proceed.


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