Final profession of Brothers Hudson Horoto and Raphael Fakaia in Honiara


Last 15 August, Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Patronal Feast of the Institute, Brothers Hudson Horoto and Raphael Fakaia of the Province Star of the Sea, made their final profession as Marist Brothers in Honiara, Solomon Islands. Here down we share the text written by Br. Peter Carroll, Provincial, who receive their vows in name of Br. Ernesto Sánchez, Superior General.

This year our patronal feast-day, the Assumption, was celebrated in a unique and memorable way in the Solomon Islands. There, on Tuesday at St Joseph’s High School, Tenaru, Brothers Hudson and Raphael, professed their perpetual vows.

This wasn’t a private, quiet, simple event. It took place in front of all the students and staff of the College, local people, family, friends, other Religious and Marist Brothers from across the Province. Special guests of honour were Raphael’s aged parents, who travelled over 12 hours from Malaita. The spirits of Hudson’s deceased parents were surely with us. Archbishop Christopher Cardone OP was celebrant and represented the broader Church of the Solomon Islands. In all, at least 1,000 people participated in the celebration, and it was indeed a real, vibrant, rich celebration.

The event combined the traditional elements of a final profession liturgy with contemporary music and cultural elements. As you’d expect, the singing and music was beautiful. Hudson himself prepared the students and conducted the practices. It was communal singing at its best, accompanied by dance, processions and pan-pipers. One of the high points was the Responsorial Psalm, the normal one for the Assumption, which was put to music by the singer, a Year 10 girl.

Archbishop Cardone knows the Marists well, having been in the Solomon Islands for 37 years, and his homily reflected this. He spoke positively about our tradition and mission and was most encouraging. Hudson and Raphael started the Mass in traditional costume and, after the pronouncement of their vows, changed into the habit, soutane and cord to receive the symbol of their final vows, the traditional pectoral crucifix. One of the most moving parts of the event came near the end, when Raphael’s father presented the ‘bride price’ in shell money to me. As the eldest, Raphael should be taking on responsibility for the family. The ‘bride price’ should be paid to the family of his future bride. In presenting me with the ‘bride price’ Raphael’s father symbolically released him from this cultural responsibility and blessed us as his family. I could tell by the reaction of the congregation that they fully appreciated the significance of this act.

Naturally, the celebration didn’t conclude with the Mass. Speeches, presentations, refreshments, performances, kai-kai (feast) continued into the late afternoon.

Brothers gathered at Tenaru from across the Province: John Hazelman from Auckland, Anitelea Fidow from Lomeri, Dominic Tsibuen and Mark Kenatsi from Mabiri, Rodney Pauru from Madang, Jean Marie Batick from Santo, Simon Serero and Sixtus Winduo from Port Moresby. Francis Marai and Paul Burges from the Bursar’s Office were also present as the celebration coincided with a meeting of Community Leaders and Bursars. We joined the local Brothers – Henry, Hudson, Epalle and Raphael. It was the biggest gathering of Melanesian Brothers since before Covid.

All of us are very grateful to Mr Abraham Hihiru, Principal of St Joseph’s, for suspending school for the day, supporting the gathering, making all the facilities of the school available, and offering us such a warm welcome. We also appreciated the generosity and hospitality of the students, staff and local people.

Hudson and Raphael’s final profession was a powerful statement, an extraordinary witness, a vibrant symbol of hope and faith. In this way, it was a most fitting celebration of Mary’s Assumption.


Br. Peter Carroll – Provincial Star of the Sea


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