2018-09-19 GERMANY

From L?Hermitage to Germany: Studies on the History of the Marist Brothers

A Brother from Mindelheim, Germany, in the province of West Central Europe, has published a book on several aspects of Marist history, including on the history of the brothers in Germany.

Br Augustin Hendlmeier, aged 75, is the author of ‘From L’Hermitage to Germany: Studies on the History of the Marist Brothers’ – a book of short chapters totaling 136 pages.

The text, originally in German, has been translated into Spanish and English. Copies of the English translation have been sent to several provinces to distribute to their communities.

To read the book in PDF format, click here: English | Spanish | German


Horizons Group 2018...


Brothers and laity of the fraternities of Bra...