2008-02-18 GENERAL HOUSE

Future perspectives for the coming months

On 8th February 2008, the General Council held a meeting with all the members of the General Administration, in order to share several issues that were discussed during the winter session that is now coming to its end. The meeting lasted the whole morning.

As usual at the end of the longer sessions of the Council, the schedule of the brother Superior General and of the General Council were given for the next month. The meeting provided a reflection on the historical and spiritual heritage of the Institute in English, which began on 11th February and will end in June; it also presented the project for the restoration of the Hermitage, with the latest proposals of the architects in charge of the project; it illustrated the current status of the process leading to recognition and initialisation of the Marist foundation for International Solidarity ?FMS International?, as well as the development of the Marist ad gentes mission, with some information on the number of brothers who actually take part in the programme; also the works carried out by the preparatory Commission for the 21st General Chapter were mentioned, as well as a global survey on the accomplishments of this Year of Spirituality; finally the meeting presented an assessment and report realised by the International Assembly held in Mendes.

The event was an opportunity to officially deliver the book ?Water from the Rock? to the laypeople who cooperate with the brothers in the tasks of the general Administration. Sean Sammon, the Superior General, grasped again the opportunity of this family meeting to thank for the work and efforts that each of the members of the General administration puts into serving the Institute and the Church.


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