2023-10-02 BRAZIL

Gathering of Young Marists in Curitiba and Porto Alegre

On September 22 and 23, a meeting of Marist Youth from Curitiba and Porto Alegre was held simultaneously. The event brought together around 1,600 young people from the Marist Brazil Sul-AmazĂ´nia and Marist Brazil Central-Sul Provinces, with the theme “Hearts that pulse” (Corações que pulsam).

Since 2010, the Brasil Sul-Amazônia Province has organized Marist youth meetings that have great participation. The novelty this year was the interprovincial scope since it included the participation of the Curitiba and São Paulo regions of Marist Brasil. In Porto Alegre, the young people met at the Colégio Marista Ipanema, while in Curitiba the meeting took place at the Colégio Marista Santa Maria.

During his participation in the meeting, in Porto Alegre, Br. Deivis Alexandre Fischer, provincial of Brasil Sul-AmazĂ´nia, stated: “Our hearts beat to see all of us, and each of us present here. So many things, so much life! Let’s take advantage of this day to share, to celebrate. Celebrate the Marist Youth Ministry and its walk. Celebrate the young way of being Marist.”

The activities marked the return of massive events with young people after the pandemic. Furthermore, for the first time, there was a collaboration between Religious Organizations, Marist Provinces and Marist Brazil (the country’s Marist network), to organize the simultaneous event between both cities.

In his presentation, Br. Benê Oliveira, provincial of Brasil Centro-Sul, said in Curitiba: “I found many hearts beating and burning for Jesus Christ, for his gospel, for being together, brothers, a wonderful youth gathered here in these days.”

The event program included celebration and prayer activities among young people. In addition, there were moments of reflection and sharing, with guests who spoke and inspired young people. There were also workshops on different Marist topics and the care of youth.

For the general director of Marist Brazil, June Cruz, the union between the entities “reinforces our motto that we have many accents, but a single purpose in our mission.”


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