2023-05-15 GREECE

General Councillors visit communities in Athens

Brothers JoĂŁo Carlos do Prado and Ben Consigli, General Councillors of the Marist Institute and links with the Region of Europe, were in Greece (Province of L’Hermitage) on 11 and 12 May to visit the two Marist institutions in the country, in Athens and Nea Smyrni.

Brothers Ben and JoĂŁo Carlos visited the two schools and were informed about the structure, the functioning, the pedagogical work and the social offer of the Marist schools in the country. The Councilors also met with the students of all grades and the staff of the schools LĂ©onin of NĂ©a Smyrni and LĂ©onin of Athens (https://leonteios.edu.gr/nea-smyrni/nea/episkepsi-genikon-symboylon-tis-marianis-adelfotitas-sti-leonteio-sholi-athinon-sti).

The visit of the two Brothers of the General Government also aimed at reviving among the Marists of Greece the feeling that they are part of a global Marist family with a common educational vision on the five continents.

Visit to the Province of L’Hermitage

From April 24th to May 19th, Brothers Ben and João Carlos visited the Marists and the works of the Hermitage Province. The visit began in Catalonia, where they went to Barcelona, Rubi, Mataró and Lleida. It continued in France (Aubenas, Lagny, Lyon, Marseille, Paris and Saint Paul-Trois-Châteaux) and continued in Greece, finishing in the last days, again in France (Lyon y Marseille).

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