2005-07-18 SPAIN

God becomes life by living Him

A brother once told me: ?All that comes along passes on and life continues.? These words have a great significance for me in my life. The Novitiate started, it finished and life must continue. But? will it continue in the same way? I hope not! Two years of an intense encounter with God in a personal and direct way should not allow me to remain unchanged, without any effect on me. I must say that the Novitiate, done at Seville, was a true gift from God, a grace that is hard to describe only in human terms.
This stage has been achieved. Another stage starts with my first profession. It is a new step that is a new YES to God?s call to live as Mary did and as Marcellin did committed to young people. And this public commitment demands that I continue the Novitiate experience each day, that I continue making my attitudes and conduct more Christ-like, that I become more Christian in order to give true witness to the Love of Jesus for the world and all people.

When I think about the journey I have taken during these last few years, it is an experience that really astonishes me. God is really a ?box full of surprises? who, when we leave ourselves open to God?s plans, takes us on pathways that we never expected. But we can always journey with confidence, because no matter how difficult the journey, God?s fidelity is real, and Jesus walks beside us, before us and behind us? My experience of God?s love, feeling truly loved by the good Father, is something that I cannot express adequately in words.
Thus, I was asked to give a testimony and I can only say that I am incapable of explaining very much. In effect, God does not become LIFE by explaining about God but by living God. God did not enter my life by words, but by life itself. I hope that I will be able to speak about God throughout my life.


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