2018-09-18 SPAIN

Horizons Group 2018

“Being bridge-builders” is the theme of the Horizons Group 2018, the formation programme for Brothers aged between 35 – 45, who began its activities in El Escorial, Spain, on Aug. 17 and will conclude them on Oct. 17.

There are 10 Brothers who from five provinces: Cruz del Sur (1), Norandina (2), Brasil Centro-Norte (1), Brasil Centro-Sul (1), Brasil Sul-Amazônia (1), Haiti sector (2) and Ibérica (2), in addition to Brothers Antônio Peralta and Joaquim Sperandio, coordinators of the course.

“HORIZONS” invites us to look to the future, to wander, to move, to intuit new territories and new dreams, giving meaning to everyday life.

Throughout this experiment seven contents or “hills” will be explored: one’s personal history; spiritual growth; commitment to the mission; challenges of the XXII General Chapter; care of the common home and new life horizons.

To reach the objectives, the following mediations were chosen: a lot of contemplative prayer; fraternal life; self-care; personal accompaniment; workshops; a pilgrimage to Marist places; experience of solidarity and the Camino de Santiago de Compostela.

From Sept. 1 – 8, the group walked the Camino de Santiago, for a total of 120 km.

In the company of thousands of pilgrims, they walked along roads and paths defying their own limits, supported by the inner strength that each discovered, and the support received from thousands of people who always wanted “have a good journey!”

Climbing, descending, rocks, asphalt, rain, sun and the dazzling nature of the Spanish region of Galicia accompanied us. Certainly, a unique and important experience in the formation itinerary foreseen in the course. More than words, it was gestures and signs emanating at every moment that enriched everyone’s experience.
And when we reached Plaza del Obradoiro, in front of Santiago Cathedral, everyone felt like praising God because of the joy of having overcome the challenge.

Seated or lying on the stones, we stood for endless moments with our mouths open, in silence, contemplating one’s own achievement. Indeed, along the way, we had built bridges and dazzled new horizons for each of us and those around us. Praise be to God!


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