2005-10-08 BRAZIL

I declare that the MYM is officially implanted in the Province

The month of August undoubtedly marked a turn in the Province of Brasil Centro-Sul, especially in the area of youth ministry. During this month, the 3rd Ministry Assembly and the 1st Marist Youth Ministry Assembly were held at Curitiba.
Representatives from all the groups were present, among them the liaison personnel and ministry assistants, students and former students, from universities, directors and invited guests such as Rezende Bruno from the Youth House at Goiânia, and Fathers Hilário Dick and Antonio Frutuoso, all experts in youth ministry.
The climate that reigned during these days of meeting was certainly harmonious and serious. The young people who formed the majority of the assembly proved that they deserved the support of Marist Youth Ministry (MYM).
MYM was launched before an assembly of more than 200 participants. It was a celebration that will be remembered for a long time. We could not start this festivity without first praising God for MYM and at the same time putting it into his hands. For this reason, Father Hilário Dick celebrated the Eucharist which was the climax of the day. The participants included the directors and co-ordinators of the schools of Curitiba. Brother Tercílio Sevegnani pronounced the final words: ?I declare that the MYM is officially implanted in the Province of Brasil Centro-Sul.? A cocktail was served to the invited guests and the there was a pyrotechnical show.
We know that this is just the start of a long process started in 2004 and that it will be called to renew itself constantly. We know also that MYM is only one of the programmes in the grand Provincial ministry plan. Our mission will continue. The work cannot stop. The success of this enterprise does not depend only on the liaison people of the units, but also on the young protagonists who will give their special colour to MYM.
For that and for many other reasons, we wish success and a long life to MYM.


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