2005-11-06 SPAIN

In memory of the martyred brothers of Bugobe

Brothers Servando, Miguel Ángel, Fernando and Julio, who were working with Rwandan refugees, were murdered at Bugobe (Congo) on the 31st October 1996. On Saturday 29th October the Marist College in Seville (Spain) recalled their memory and paid homage to these four Marists, especially Brother Fernando de la Fuente.
The 9th edition of this day started at eleven o?clock in the morning with a reading from Exodus concerning emigrants. In order to encourage reflection, an extract from a film about the Argentinean group Catharsis was also used. We then centred our thoughts on Brother Fernando by reciting a poem that he had written. A power point presented the biography of this brother and a text recalled the salient facts of his life. The people then gathered in groups.

The morning finished with a meal during which everyone shared the food they had all brought from their houses in a very relaxed and familial ambiance.
The afternoon was occupied by four workshops on solidarity. A religious sister spoke of her experience at Ceuta and the problems of emigrants at the Spanish border. A second workshop was animated by two young women who spoke of their work with immigrants in Seville. Brother RamĂłn RodrĂ­guez, from the Marist College at Malaga, recounted his experience of solidarity with senior students. Brother FĂ©lix GonzĂĄlez shared his experience in the Ivory Coast.
We celebrated the Eucharist at the end of the day. Nearly one hundred people participated (especially parents of students, teachers and fraternity members); they had come from Seville to evoke for another year the memory of our martyred brothers of Bugobe.


Brothers and laypeople working with marginali...


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