2006-06-26 MEXICO

In the simple chapel of Santa Cruz de Morelia, Michoacán

On Sunday the 18th June, in the city of Morelia, Michoacán, we participated joyfully in the renewal of the consecration of Brothers Fernando Muñoz, Antonio Media Lugo, Alfonso J. Chiquini Méndez, Hugo Pablo Vázquez Zarazúa and Juan Pablo Rivero Flota, as well as the first profession of Brother Ángel Zazueta Muñoz, in the presence of Brother Provincial Víctor Manuel Preciado.

All gathered around the altar, on the dot of midday; more than 200 people took part in the Eucharist to thank God for the gift of the life of our brothers and for the witness of their generous response to the Lord.

The celebration took place in the humble chapel of Santa Cruz, in the district where the interprovincial novitiate of the Assumption is found, the place where Brother Angel Zazueta did his two years of formation, surrounded by simple people as Father Champagnat would have wanted it to be.

Among the people who accompanied the newly professed were brothers from the two Mexican Provinces, members of their families and friends.

Let us ask the Lord of life to give our little brothers, in the example of our holy Founder, the perseverance and fidelity necessary to reach holiness.


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