2016-09-30 IRELAND

Irish Marist Schools

A group of 30 Marist students and 6 coordinators embarked on their Marist Leadership Training in September in Ireland. The three Irish schools involved are Moyle Park College Dublin, Marian College Dublin and Marist College Athlone.

This exciting Marist Leadership Programme is led by Marist Education in West Central Europe, in partnership with the Kinharvie Institute Scotland. 

The Marist Leadership programme aims to empower students to lead with Marist values. On the training day students learned about a variety of leadership styles, and developed an awareness of their own qualities and styles as Marist leaders. They also built upon their own understanding of how to support and lead a team to work effectively together. It was a community building activity in many ways, as the students from each school had never met each other. 

By the end of the day they had many discussions together, completed leadership activities, presented key leadership duties and built key relationships with real Marist family spirit. 

Aisling Demaison from Marist Education, and Alastair Callaghan from Kinharvie Institute facilitated the day. 

The Marist leaders then went back to the schools with their Certificates, new leadership badges and action plans of how to bring the Marist Values alive in their schools. They will be supported by two key coordinators and by a Marist Core Team of teachers in each school.

The Marist leaders also have a website www.maristeu.com which allows them to connect via a forum and discuss and advise each other on leadership tasks. They will also have the opportunity to blog about the duties they carry out in order to give each other ideas and stay connected as a community.

Thanks to the staff at Kinharvie Institute and the Marist Education team the website will be updated with leadership articles and key information for students continued leadership journey.

The next Marist Leadership Training for this group will take place in May in L’Hermitage France. Here the students will evaluate their leadership roles through a coaching model and will follow the footsteps of Marcellin to understand the origin of the Marist values. 

Follow this link to watch photos from the training day:  http://video214.com/play/swSOgsujY7HItYGrI3TnAw/s/dark

If you would like any information about the programme, please contact Aisling Demaison: [email protected]


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