2005-09-15 COLOMBIA

It is worth being Marists and transmitting to others the joy of consecrating our lives to God

In July, Brothers César Rojas, Geovani Velasco, Javier Echeverri, Jesús Manzano, Leonardo Yepes and the novice Alejandro Herrera met with thirteen young aspirants to Marist life and three other young people preparing themselves for their service as voluntary co-workers. This meeting took place in the city of Manizales. The aspirants came from Bogota, Manizales and Armenia, and the voluntary co-workers came from Medellin and Manizales. These were very enriching days thanks to the human quality that characterised the meeting. During the morning we looked at common matters for the aspirants and co-workers and in the afternoons we broke into two groups to look at particular issues for each group. There were prayer times in the morning and afternoon as well as exchanges and workshops, a desert day and recreational activities.
All of this was imbued with a Marist spirit, characterised by simplicity, sharing, joy, spontaneity and fraternal relationships. The house that welcomed us, Villa Gonzaga, belongs to the Jesuit fathers and well suited our needs. We also had times for personal interviews to listen to and come to know better the young people to whom we were suggesting a pathway to live as Marist religious.
We encourage all brothers and laypeople to work in Vocations ministry through prayer and vocational promotion and accompaniment. It is worth being Marist and transmitting to others the joy of consecrating our lives to realise Marcellin?s dream.


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