2012-07-10 GHANA


The entire community of St. Marcellin Champagnat School gathered on 16th June 2012 to celebrate the climax of the feast day of St. Marcellin Champagnat.

The four days event which begun on Wednesday 13th June was characterized by several activities such as talks on the life St. Marcellin Champagnat, games, quiz and debate competitions. Pupils were asked to emulate the examples St. Marcellin Champagnat. Like the founder, pupils were to face their learning challenges with confidence and hope.

The headmaster of the school, Mr. Stephen Gerrar thanked the parents for their wonderful contributions to the development of the school and the education of their children. He encouraged them to make it a point to visit the school at least once every term to find out the progress of their children. The headmaster equally appreciated the effort of the staff whose sacrifices whether great or small have led to our success stories. Mr. Gerrar told the parents that St. Marcellin Champagnat School is committed to providing holistic education to children in Buokrom and its environs. He announced that the school this year has acquired a set of musical instruments including 11 keyboards, 19 Guitars, jazz drums and 2 combos. This move according to the headmaster was part of the schools’ strategies to unearth some talents and skills that are buried in our pupils.

In his homily Fr. Joseph Asante praised the effort of the Marist Brothers and their work of evangelization in Ghana. “Children” he noted “are the most precious member of every society”. Fr. Asante called on everyone to do their possible best to them up well. He reminded the public about child rights and encouraged parents to protect their children.

The day also coincided with the 4th graduation ceremony of the school. The ceremony marked the official completion of basic school of some 64 pupils. The P.T.A. of the school reaffirmed their promise made to the graduands a few months ago. According to the executive (PTA) anyone who would make aggregate 6 will receive an amount of GH¢100.00 (51.5464 USD)

During the occasion, prizes were given to deserving pupils. Hardworking and committed staffs were rewarded as well.

Br. Augustine Teye Naatey – St. Marcellin Champagnat School


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