2024-01-30 GENERAL HOUSE

Launch of the Jubilee Year of Marist Mexico

Repositorio MĂ©xico Central | MĂ©xico Occidental: H. Basilio | 125 años

The provincial brothers, Luis Felipe GonzĂĄles, from Mexico Central, and Luiz Enrique RodrĂ­guez, from Mexico Occidental, launched on January 23 the Jubilee Year of Marist of Mexico, to commemorate the 125 years of the presence of the Marists of Champagnat in the country and celebrate the 100 years of the Birth of Brother Basilio Rueda GuzmĂĄn, Servant of God. The Works and Marists from all over Mexico connected to witness the virtual event.

In their messages, the two provincials of Mexico greeted and thanked the brothers, and laity Marist from the educational communities, missions, and social works. And they talked about the two elements of the jubilee.

“125 years ago, the first Marist brothers – who were sent to Mexico – arrived to begin Marcellin’s project in these lands: ‘All the dioceses of the world enter into our plans â€˜. And since then, we have experienced – in the histories of our provinces – many interesting events. But the most interesting thing is that they brought us the charisma of Marcellin, the one we have been living, the one we have been promoting, the one we have been trying to make known. Many have passed through our schools, many lay people, many brothers, of whom at this moment we are grateful. This is the first element for which we are celebrating this jubilee: 125 years of the presence of the Marist brothers in Mexico,” said Brother Luiz Enrique, provincial of Mexico Occidental.

Another element of great joy for us is being able to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of our dear brother Basilio Rueda, a universal brother, a brother for the world, for the Institute in general. In addition to his apostolate among us, he was elected superior general, and was the first non-French speaking superior, and he spent two periods as superior general, in a complex time for the church and for religious life, just after Vatican II, where he had to assume and accompany us on this journey. His legacy lives on among us,” said Brother Luis Felipe, provincial of Mexico Central.

The online event was also marked by different tributes, dances, musicals, and presentations from various Marist educational institutions in Mexico.

“May we be aware of how in each city we have generated joyful, generous and committed Marist life,” said Brother Sergio Cáceres, from Mexico Occidental.

After the launch of the Jubilee Year of Mexico (see video), which has as its motto “Gratitude, audacity and trust”, the Marists have scheduled 3 other events:

  • the commemoration of the arrival of the Marist Brothers to Mexico, on May 20
  • the anniversary of the birth of Brother Basilio, October 16
  • and the Closing of the Marist Jubilee Year, from December 26 to 31, with an Interprovincial Retreat.
125 years of the Marist presence in Mexico

The three pioneer brothers (Pedro DamiĂĄn, Anselmo and Filogorino) arrived from France to Guadalajara on July 21, 1899. After their arrival, the Marist brothers began that same year a school course at the Inmaculada school. Most of the schools, at that time, were primary level. They also founded schools of arts and crafts, several boarding schools, four preparatory schools (which at that time was equivalent to secondary school), an itinerant missionary community and a publishing-printing press.

From the beginning, the Marist brothers put faith in promotion of Marist vocations in Mexico, and established formation houses.

Currently, 125 years later, the Marists of Champagnat are present in 22 states of Mexico, they have 36,632 students, 3986 teachers and support staff, and they have 134 Marist educational works in the two provinces of Mexico, including preschool educational centers (12) , primary schools (32), secondary schools (36), preparatory schools (30), universities (5), boarding schools (2), unschooling social works (13) and a formation house for brothers (4).

100 years of the Birth of Brother Basilio Rueda GuzmĂĄn

Brother Basilio was born on October 16, 1924 in AcatlĂĄn de JuĂĄrez, Mexico. From his youth he chose a path of service and embraced the Marist vocation, standing out for his dedication, wisdom, innovative spirit and spiritual depth. On September 24, 1967 he was elected Superior General and re-elected in 1976. For 18 years as superior general, he travelled through the five continents sowing hope, and invited the brothers to make possible the changes preached by the church at the Second Vatican Council. In a period of such turbulence, he travelled thousands of kilometers, preached hundreds of retreats, gave many conferences, conducted many surveys, wrote more than 2,500 pages of circulars, spiritually accompanied many Brothers and other people, and wrote more than 50,000 letters to priests, friends, former students and Brothers. His human experience was one of the richest, and that is why he became an authority to which people gladly turned. In 1986 he returned to Mexico and continued his work as a spiritual advisor and master of novices. He died on January 21, 1996.


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