Letters of Marcellin – 006

Marcellin Champagnat


about the same matters dealt with in letters 3 and 4.

Original written by Fr. Champagnat, AFM 132.2, pp.168169; published in OM, 1, p. 435-436.

This letter, which should be the first of this series, appears in the Founders notebook after those intended for Fathers Gardette and Catett. It was no doubt addressed to Bishop Gaston de Pins, who had headed the archdiocese of Lyons since 18th February 1824.
Father Champagnat confided in him as his bishop, certainly, but still more as his protector and the supporter of his work (Life, pp. 117; OM, IV, pp. 330-337).

It is obvious that the writer spends far more time on external problems than internal ones. Here again, the request for an assistant is not explicitly formulated. We may believe that he intends to make the explicit request to some one else, and rests satisfied here with giving reasons to justify it and therefore to second it, although Brother Jean-Baptiste presents things in a different light (cf. Life, pp. 192-193).

My Lord,

Given the poor showing to date of the priests at the Hermitage, I no longer dare to appear before Your Lordship to make you listen to my sad voice….

God wants this undertaking in these perverse times; this is still my firm belief; but alas, perhaps he wants other men to found it. May his holy name be blessed. The unfortunate incident which took place, involving the one who appeared to be its leader , is clear proof of the most terrible efforts which hell has ever conceived to overthrow an undertaking which it saw would do it so much harm. Jesus and Mary will always be the solid support of my confidence. The fatherly goodness with which Your Lordship welcomed me on your arrival in this diocese gives me the courage to beg you, in the name of Jesus and Mary, to continue to protect an undertaking which until now has seemed to me to deserve all my efforts and even your attention.

I am the only priest here; this upsets me, but it does not discourage me, because he who sustains me is called the strong God.

I believe that Father Superior of the seminary will gladly explain my situation to you. Knowing that you are aware of everything, I will wait calmly to know Gods good will in this matter, which I will recognize in that of Your Lordship.

Accept, My Lord, the assurance of the respect of the least of those under your care, who will always consider it an honor to be totally devoted and perfectly submissive to you.


Edition: Translation from: Lettres de Marcellin J. B. Champagnat (1789-1840) Fondateur de l?Institut des Frères Maristes, présentés par Frère Paul Sester,1985.

fonte: Daprès lautographe AFM 132.2, p. 168; édité dans OM, I, p. 435


Letters of Marcellin - 004...


Letters of Marcellin - 007...