Letters of Marcellin – 028

Marcellin Champagnat


Bishop Devie not only encouraged the different model agricultural schools which were set up at various times in the department of the Ain, but he himself even tried a few experiments of this type, at considerable expense (Cognat, Vie de Mgr. Devie, L. 1, p. 259). He had asked Fr. Champagnat to take over one of these schools, or model farms, which he wanted to start in Bresse. In a letter of 24th June 1833, Fr. Colin reminded him about it (cf. OM, I, doc. 272). Fr. Champagnat came to Belley around 6th July (AFM, Livre de comptes, 1, p. 64) and reached an agreement with Bishop Devie on sending brothers to the school in Bresse towards the end of the summer. After further reflection, and on the advice of Fr. Gardette, he requested a delay of several months. As it turned out, there was no further mention of giving this establishment to the Little Brothers of Mary (OM, I, p. 594). Ultimately, a certain Mr. Jean Granjard took over the project, but it turned out to be a financial disaster (cf. OM. IV, pp. 293-294).

This letter is undated, but clearly comes from the summer of 1833, and fits between Fr. Champagnats trip to Belley (6th July) and the return of Fr. Cholleton to Lyons around 6th August (cf. doc. 278, par. 1). Since Fr. Champagnat says he delayed answering the bishop, we can conceivably situate this copy in the last days of July (OM, I, doc. 273, p. 594).

I waited a while before answering you, thinking that Fr. Colin would in the meantime have shared with you the letter I wrote concerning the establishment in Maison Blanche.

I am more and more attracted to this good work, which, upon close examination, does not diverge from my aim, since it is primarily concerned with the education of the poor. So I intend, My Lord, to back up your zeal wholeheartedly, since you have deigned to look in my direction.

On my way back from Belley I spoke with Fr. Gardette about this establishment I was about to open. He suggested that I wait until Fr. Cholleton arrived, and also mentioned that August and September are unhealthy months in that part of the country.

It would be extremely difficult for me to remove the brother I want to give you from a very large school, which has already had several changes this year, even very recently. I know that the parish priest relies heavily on this brother. At the moment, all our brothers have gathered for their vacation and their retreat at the Mother house.

His travel expenses would also become considerable: our vacation begins 15th September and ends l5th October.

So, My Lord, I humbly ask you to agree to this slight delay, which will make it possible for me to give you suitable subjects. I do not believe that Fr. Cholleton will raise any objection to these arrangements.

I very much like Fr. Colins idea of a Third Order. I think that as Your Lordship envisages it, it will succeed.

I could go to Meximieux around the fifteenth or sixteenth of October. I will be able to give you a specific date a bit later.

Accept the assurance of the respect with which I have the honor, My Lord, to be your most obedient servant.

Edition: Translation from: Lettres de Marcellin J. B. Champagnat (1789-1840) Fondateur de l?Institut des Frères Maristes, présentés par Frère Paul Sester,1985.

fonte: Daprès la minute autographe, AFM 113.22; éditée dans OM 273


Letters of Marcellin - 027...


Letters of Marcellin - 034...