Letters of Marcellin – 202

Marcellin Champagnat


As a follow-up to the letter of 16th July (L. 198), Fr. Mazelier must have answered that he was willing to continue to receive brothers from the Hermitage who were eligible for conscription. Fr. Champagnat immediately profits by that authorization since he wants them to go for the examination for their certificate of competence the following month. That is why he is particuarly careful to facilitate matters by having them put on immediately the habit of the Brothers of St-Paul.


Notre Dame de lHermitage, 8th August 1838

Father Superior,

I am taking advantage at once of the fact that you are willing to continue your goodness towards us. I am sending you two of our brothers , wearing the habit of the brothers of your order, to present themselves for the examination which will be held in September along with those from your house who will present themselves for it.

The help you are giving us will not go without reward nor without blessings for your work.

The steps I took in Paris will not be fruitless. Mr. Fulchiron, who has come from Paris, told me yesterday that my documents finally reached the Council of State with a favorable recommendation from the minister. I hope Mary will second it with her great power. That is what we are asking her to do.

Fr. Colin, the Superior General of our society, asked me to tell you that he is very touched by your remembering him.

Accept the expression of gratitude with which I have the honor to be, with respect, your humble servant,


Edition: Translation from: Lettres de Marcellin J. B. Champagnat (1789-1840) Fondateur de l?Institut des Frères Maristes, présentés par Frère Paul Sester,1985.

fonte: D?après l?expédition autographe, AFM. 112.11


Letters of Marcellin - 198...


Letters of Marcellin - 275...