Letters of Marcellin – 205

Marcellin Champagnat


Fr. Champagnat is here answering his nephew, Jean-Baptiste Guillaume Champagnat, Brother Théodoret, giving him permission to have someone buy what he needs. His father, Jean-Baptiste Champagnat, born 12th March 1777, was the Founders eldest brother. He and his wife Marie Clermondon (cf. L. 180) had six children: Marie-Anne, born 15th September 1812; Jean-Pierre, born 5th May 1814; Marie-Françoise, born 14th March 1817; François, born 19th June 1818 and deceased 29th March 1819; Jean-Baptiste Guillaume (Bro. Théodoret), born 23rd April 1820; François-Régis (Bro. Régis, who died in the congregation at the age of 58) born 26th July 1826 (cf. AFM, 142.3.10). Letter 180 informed us that Jean-Pierre and François-Régis wanted to follow their brother Jean-Baptiste. The older never pursued that idea, perhaps for reasons of health; as for François-Régis, at the time of this letter, he is in the juniorate in La Grange-Payre. He will receive the religious habit on 4th February 1839 (R.V., 1, p. CII).

The letter bears no address, since the second sheet has disappeared, but there can be no doubt that Bro. Théodoret was at that time with Bro. Polycarpe in Ampuis (cf. his biographical sketch).


Notre Dame de lHermitage, 12th August 1838

My dear nephew,

I give permission for Bro. Polycarpe to buy you what you need.

Your little brother is in La Grange-Payre, very happy, and Jean-Pierre is feeling better. The rest of your family are also in good health.

I bless God that you are happy in your vocation. If you carefully fulfill your duties towards God and towards your neighbor, you will always be happy, and I, for my part, will have nothing to offer God but thanksgiving as I tell you how pleased I am.

A Dieu, dear friend, never doubt my attachment for you. Greetings to brother director whom I also love.

All yours in the Sacred Hearts,

Edition: Translation from: Lettres de Marcellin J. B. Champagnat (1789-1840) Fondateur de l?Institut des Frères Maristes, présentés par Frère Paul Sester,1985.

fonte: Daprès lexpédition autographe 111.47, éditée dans CSG 1, p. 286


Letters of Marcellin - 204...


Letters of Marcellin - 232...