Letters of Marcellin – 244

Marcellin Champagnat


Was it scrupulosity or an exaggerated sense of economy which led Brother Xavier, director in Saint-Paul-en-Jarret, to think he could not authorize Brother Basin to buy a pen-knife and a portfolio? Did Brother Basin resort to the correspondence required by the Rule to address his request to Fr. Champagnat? Who can tell? In any case, these few short sentences offer this brother not only encouragement but also a program for his entire life.

23rd February 1839

My very dear brother,

I enjoyed your brief letter very much. I give brother director permission to buy you a pen-knife and a portfolio.

You should never doubt my attachment to you. I never once go to the holy altar without praying for you. God, my dear child, will grant you the perseverance on which your sanctification depends. I have absolutely no doubt that if you ask him for it through Marys intercession you will obtain it. Walk in the holy presence of God all the days of your life. May his holy will be the primary motive of all your actions.

A Dieu, dear brother, I leave you in the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.


Edition: Translation from: Lettres de Marcellin J. B. Champagnat (1789-1840) Fondateur de l?Institut des Frères Maristes, présentés par Frère Paul Sester,1985.

fonte: Daprès lexpédition autographe AFM 111.54, éditée dans CSG 1, p. 282


Letters of Marcellin - 238...


Letters of Marcellin - 246...