2024-01-26 CHILE

Marist Boards of Directors meet to define 2024 action plan

One hundred and twenty-one members of the Board of Directors (CODIS) of the twelve Marist schools and the Animation Areas of the Chile Sector (Province of Santa MarĂ­a de los Andes), met in Limache, from January 8 to 11, to share learning experiences in the light of the emphases of the Provincial Master Lines and to develop leadership and animation competencies that will strengthen Marist communities and works.

On the first day, the first module entitled “Marist Leaders Promoting Fraternal Communities” was discussed. Afterward, there was a spiritual retreat with the theme “The joy of meeting on the way”, animated by the Marist Life team.

The second day focused on the analysis of data and information for the 2023 school year. The presentation panel was formed by Pedro DĂ­az, Claudio Arellano, Claudia González, Juan Pablo Valdivia, and Marcela Román, and Marcela Román, Ph.D. in Education from the Jesuit network. The panelists’ presentation was followed by an Inter CODIS workshop. The second day’s module focused on the analysis of data by school, carried out in groups by each Board of Directors. In the afternoon, all participants shared their projections, recommendations, lessons learned, and best practices throughout the year 2023.

The third day was devoted to the construction of communities and the Action Plan for 2024. The day’s work began with the module “Participating we build community”. Participants included members of the Marist Youth Council and psychologist Andrea Iglesis. The second part of the morning was devoted to an analysis workshop focused on schools, led by members of the Marist Mission Team. In the afternoon, a second workshop entitled “Building the Future” was held, which consisted of the reflection, synthesis, and design of the 2024 Action Plan for each of the schools, and was developed by each Board of Directors.

On the last day, after the joint prayer, a workshop was held to prepare and reflect on the 2024 Action Plan for each school. In his speech, the Sector’s Delegate for Life and Mission, Ernesto Reyes, made a presentation on the focuses and challenges for 2024.

VĂ­ctor Vidal, a member of the Pastoral and Mission team in Chile, emphasized the dedication of the Marist Youth Council members. He highlighted their interest in the Marist project and its importance within the Marist Youth Ministry Network. At the end of the day, CODI members also spoke about their mission, achievements, and challenges in the educational communities they lead.

The day concluded with a Eucharist, where gratitude was offered to the Father for all the experiences lived. Prayers were made to Saint Marcellin and the Good Mother, asking them to continue interceding to advance Champagnat’s dream in all the Marist works in Chile.


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