2024-05-31 EL SALVADOR

Marist Intercommunity Meeting in El Salvador

The Marist communities of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, of the Province of Central America, held a significant meeting of fraternity and spirituality at the Liceo Salvadoreño at the end of May. Marist Brothers and committed lay people gathered to live together as a big family, share experiences, strengthen ties and renew their commitment to the educational and evangelizing mission of Saint Marcellin Champagnat.

The event began with a warm reception that included a cultural afternoon full of joy and creativity prepared by the students of the Liceo Salvadoreño. In addition, everyone was invited to a photographic exhibition about the history of the 100 years of Marist presence at the Liceo Salvadoreño. The exhibition allowed those present to learn more and value the Marist legacy in the region.

To end the day, everyone gathered in the school chapel for a moment of prayer dedicated to the Virgin Mary, requesting her intercession, and blessing for all those present. This time of spiritual recollection reinforced the sense of community, and the shared commitment to Marist values.

The second day of the meeting continued at the El Hermitage Retreat House, where the Marist brothers and lay people participated in days of reflection and socialization on important topics for the Marist Province Central America. The day closed with a solemn Eucharist in which special prayers were made for brothers Jorge Muñoz and Nice Garrán, who were celebrating their birthdays, and for Arturo Espinoza, a committed layman who will undertake a trip to Cuba to provide support to the Cienfuegos community.

Este encuentro fue una oportunidad única para reflexionar, aprender y crecer juntos, reafirmando los valores y el compromiso con la educación integral de los niños y jóvenes. It was also an invaluable opportunity to deepen the mission, share experiences and strengthen the Marist community, working together to face challenges and build a future full of hope and solidarity.


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