2011-10-04 MEXICO

Marist Province of México Central

One of the objectives of the Provincial Youth ministry Project is to offer opportunities of formation to the agents: leaders, animators, advisers, accompaniers, co-ordinators, and others, according to each context.[1] For this reason, the Camp for Agents of Youth Ministry was held on 9, 10 and 11 September in the Parque Acuático Villagasca.

A weekend in which the youth received tools that would help them in their apostolate with children and young people.

The first day provided an opportunity for them to listen to Ángela, Yeyo and Kevín, representing the delegates to the International Marist Youth Meeting, who shared simply and joyfully what taking part in this experience in the Institute and the World Youth Day meant in their lives.

Ulises Centeno, Co-ordinator of Youth Ministry, thanked all for their support and participation in the Belivin process which allowed us as a Province to listen to young people of 18 to 25, who in an Assembly drew up a credo and elected their representatives,

at the same time presenting the icon which marks the road to the process for the International Meeting in Río de Janeiro in 2013.

A significant moment was the presentation of the International Document on Youth Ministry “Evangelizers among youth”. With this presentation one could learn in a general way about its process of creation and the process of implementation.  Work in small groups permitted a first contact with this reference document for our pastoral activity.

Omar Iván Chacón, of the Vocations Ministry, shared with the around 110 participants something of the vocational dimension of youth ministry and emphasized that the vocations ministry finds in youth ministry a vital and privileged space for helping young people become protagonists of their own existence and offering them the opportunity to construct a life project[2].

Saturday and Sunday saw work on movements. The Provincial Team of Friends on March, led by Prof. Daniel Andrés Vázquez, encouraged the guides to take into account what is possible in working with children and what needs to be avoided. He developed his reflection from the characteristics of each age group and placed emphasis on the importance of having a pastoral planning project.

In Ciudad Nueva Marista, there was study of what the movement is and the importance of knowing the characteristic vocabulary, in addition to reflecting on the role of the animator as an agent of Ministry and how to choose the appropriate dynamics for the moment.

For the Preparatory groups, there was a detailed study of the Itinerary of the Disciples of Emmaus proposed by the International Document. At the same time, a proposal was made by them for a meeting of listening and dialogue with the youth of the Marist preparatory schools and universities.

Almost at the end of the meeting, opportunity was taken to exchange opinions with the local co-ordinators of Youth Ministry, share about provincial dates and some common ideas allowing us to consolidate MYM in each of the works.

Every experience with youth is a space for listening and sharing. In this account, we offer them space for talking about some of their impressions:

Beto Alvarez: Brothers, it was a weekend of meeting again for all, of emotions, memories; But I hope it was also an experience that sowed commitment and enthusiasm for carrying on in all the actions of the year so that the process we are realizing as accompaniers may bear fruit at the end of the day. Many thanks to everyone…!!

Ixchel González: A marvellous weekend of enriching and unforgettable experiences!!!!

Lorena Barreto: A weekend full of learning and union, new projects full of HOPE!

Nat Gm: May this spirit not be lost.  Children and young people need this living and young God we can share!!! Press on!!

Nicko Romero:  It was incredible to feel so many hearts beating for the same purpose, feeling so much joy and enthusiasm in everything. I underline the desires of continuing to move forward, improving the world in which we live little by little, sowing in youth and children the hope and the wish for a better world.

Rogelio Maldonado: Do you know what I see here? Many seeds God planted in good soil. It depends on each and every one of you for it to flourish and give fruit. Courage, forward, even in times of drought.

The joy generated by the meeting with the children and youth of our Province is also a joy coming from personal encounter and deep dialogue with Jesus. Like the two disciples on the way to Emmaus, we felt our hearts burning within us on our first camp for Agents of Youth Ministry.


Ulises Centeno

Co-ordinator of Youth Ministry

[1]120 “Evangelizers among youth” Document of reference for the Marist Institute.


[2]  135 “Evangelizers among youth” Document of reference for the Marist Institute.



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