2024-06-11 GENERAL HOUSE

Marist Solidarity International Network Assembly: June 17-21

What if the first thing we do is ask ourselves ‘what does God want’?

Last November, a letter to the Provincial Brothers announced the celebration of the III Assembly of the Marist Solidarity International Network. The time has come. From June 17 to 21, we will be celebrating this Assembly at the General House in Rome, with representation from all the Regions. About 55 delegates from the Administrative Units and members of the General Administration will meet to evaluate the work we have done so far and to dream together, to look beyond, as the motto of the last General Conference reminded us.

At the recent Marist International Mission Assembly, Sister Liliana asked us the following question: What if the first thing we do is ask ourselves “what does God want This should be our question for the Marist Solidarity International Network Assembly. And this should be our question, in life and in mission, ALWAYS!

During the Assembly we will address the issues of Children’s Rights, Social Works, Education for Solidarity, Integral Ecology, the functioning of our NGOs and Foundations, and those issues that “hurt” our world and us. We are aware that time is short; but we also know, from experience, that the Holy Spirit blows where He wills, and among those who are willing to listen to His voice.

Br. Ernesto, Superior General, recently reminded us, in his message on the occasion of the feast of St. Marcellin, that “in the face of new situations of poverty and marginalization, we are happy to know that many Marists of Champagnat are helping in solidarity”. For this reason, for these situations, and for the people who suffer, we have organized the Assembly. We feel “invited to connect with the suffering of so many people and to offer support”.

During the Assembly we will publish, through the Institute’s web page, the work of each day. Through it you can be informed of the steps we are taking. We will also use the hashtag #Maristas_Solidarity for our publications. We invite you to use it in your Solidarity publications.

You will see that the motto we have chosen for the Assembly is “L’Hermitage, cradle of solidarity”.

2024 marks the 200th anniversary of the start of construction of our house at the Hermitage. A courageous, prophetic, and helpful initiative by Marcelino. Now it is up to us, in the 21st century, to carry on his legacy, seeking the best way to respond to the needs of our world, guided by the logic of the Gospel and the logic of love.

We invite all of you, Marists of Champagnat, to pray for the outcomes of the Assembly, so that those who participate in it may be able to listen to the voices of the most vulnerable in our world, to be brave and respond to what the Spirit inspires us. Thank you for joining our prayer and action!

“Try to love as much as you can. Even if it causes you suffering at times, remember that a life without love is much sadder” (My Days at Morisaki Bookstore – Satoshi Yagisawa).

Br. Ángel Diego GarcĂ­a Otaola – Director of the Secretariat of Solidarity-Cmi


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