2006-05-19 BRAZIL

Mission with young people

The 10th May 2006 will remain a special date in the Marist history of Brazil and in that of the MYM, as it was the day that the norms of the MYM were presented to the bishops of Brazil.
The 44th General Assembly of the bishops of Brazil brought together 297 bishops in Indaiatuba, SP, in the neighbourhood of Itaici in order to treat the ?Evangelisation of young people, their challenges and pastoral perspectives.?

During the morning of the 10th May, the commission that had prepared the document invited some young people to come to speak to the bishops, in the hope of enriching and illustrating the experience of working with the young people of Brazil. The following subjects were chosen: Brazilian network of centres and of institutes for young people in Brazil, charismatic renewal, the Brazilian youth ministry and the Marist youth ministry.
Marist Brazil was represented by Ana Clesia Alcântara, from the Province of Brasil Centro-Norte.

Also participating in the meeting were the liaison person for the Provincial ministry, Fabiano Incerti, and the Provincial co-ordinator of the MYM, Brother João Batista Pereira, representing the three Marist Provinces and the District of Amazônia.
The results of the presentation were very positive. The bishops congratulated the Marists for their work with young people through the MYM.

This occasion that has been offered to the Marist Brothers has reinforced our mission with young people. The MYM left the Assembly stronger and with a heightened responsibility. We need to continue our journey in rhythm with the young people.
May God bless the young people of Brazil and may the fruits of the 44th General Assembly of bishops strengthen more our evangelisation mission with children and young people. Now with more conviction and audacity, we cry to the four points of the compass: Long life to the MYM and young people!

Brother João Batista Pereira


Norms of youth ministry...


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