2006-04-21 HAITI

?Missionary? brothers to Haiti

On March 30th, 2006, two Brothers from Malawi, Brother Evaristus Kasambwe and Brother Anthony Njolovi arrived in Port-Au-Prince, and then Jérémie to a very excited group of Marist Brothers and postulants. There was a reception for them with refreshments and decorations, presentations and finally a word from our two ?missionary? brothers, ending the evening with the Salve Regina before the two finally were able to spend their first night?s sleep in Haiti.

The journey to Haiti began a long time ago. Anthony had been approached about the possibility of being a member of the Formation Team working with Postulants in Haiti, and he generously accepted. There was only one problem: he had to learn French first! And they needed someone in Haiti right away. So, Evaristus was then asked if he would consider going for one year as member of the formation team working with Postulants while Anthony took some time to learn French, as well as participate in the first Orientation Session for Missionaries in Davao City, Philippines this August to December. Evaristus also agreed.

Then began a very long process of trying to actually get them there. They would always have to fly through another country, so it became a question of getting transit visas. Thanks for the tenacity of Bro. Andrew Fournier in Malawi, they finally were able to get the visas. That began the 5 day journey which eventually led them to arrive safely in Haiti.

Brother Evaristus is 43 years old from the Province of Southern Africa (Malawi). He first professed vows in 1987 and made perpetual profession in 1993. He has been a teacher, Administrator, and is presently a Councilor for the Sector. He has worked in formation for his province. Brother Anthony is 42 years old, taking first vows in 1991 and final vows in 1998. He is also from the Province of Southern Africa (Malawi). Anthony has taught and worked in formation.

And so our first ?Mission Ad Gentes? brothers are in place. While the focus of the Ad Gentes initiative is Asia, some already existing provinces have requested some help, before the Ad Gentes project officially began and were promised Brothers. It was the generosity i Evaristus and Anthony?s hearts along with the blessing of their province which enabled this to happen. We wish good luck and God?s blessings on Evaristus and Anthony as they begin this new exciting work in Haiti.


The Marists and the Moslem culture...


All together in one same direction...