
MSIN Assembly: Thursday, June 20

MSIN Assembly | Photos | Video: Br. LyVideo: Br. Raj

The penultimate day of the Assembly of the Marist Solidarity International Network began with two conferences designed to help the group look to the future from two different perspectives. Javier Cendoya, General Director of the Edelvives Group spoke about the history of the publishing house, which this year celebrates its 135th anniversary. Javier highlighted how the situations experienced in the past have taught the group to be able to dream about the future. He also emphasized the need to innovate and, inspired by the context of the assembly, highlighted the solidarity activities carried out by the Marist publishing house in collaboration with other Marist entities, especially in Africa.

The second presentation was given by Raimon Novell Donat, Commissioner of the Diktya Foundation, a private network that arose in the context of the Province of the Hermitage and whose main objective is to promote the rights of children. The nature of the foundation is to network with all organizations that promote rights. As a participant in this project and in relation to children’s rights, Raimon highlighted his dream for the future, which is to visualize a path of hope: “to change mental models and organizational culture”. In this change, it is fundamental to consider the child as a “subject of rights”.

After the presentations, in the second session, the participants, at their respective tables, reflected on Marist solidarity and the future. Then, before lunch, the executive committee of the Network presented a synthesis of the proposals elaborated in the groups for the 5 focal areas of the network: children’s rights, social works, ecology, NGOs/Foundations and education in/for solidarity.

In the afternoon, work was done by regions. Participants were invited to reflect on the following questions: How can my Region help other Regions? How can my Region be connected to other Regions? How can my Region be connected to RMSI? How does my Region dream of Solidarity in the coming years? The answers were collected and will be used to shape the Network’s lines of action.

The day was marked by prayer, prepared by the members of the Network’s executive committee. The morning prayer was prepared by Analía Ruggeri, and the Eucharistic celebration at the end of the day by Peter Monaghan and Sam King.


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