2014-07-17 BRAZIL

National Meeting of Animators of Vocations

The Commission for the Consecrated Life of the Marist Union  of Brasil / UMBRASIL is organising the National Meeting of Animators of Vocations, to be held from 4 to 8 August in Ribeirao das Neves, Minas Gerais, with as theme : « Studying the dynamic of accompaniment in the animation of vocations in view of discernment and the choice of one’s vocation ». 

The programme includes times of prayer, conferences, workshops, group animations, the presentation of projects relating to vocation on the part of the Provinces and the District of

Amazonia, and leisure activities. On the occasion, there will also be a launching of the guidelines for the animation of vocations in Marist Brasil, as well as « Directions for the Vocations Ministry of America », a document prepared by the « Brothers » sub-commission of the Inter-American Provincials’  Conference (CIAP). This document is intended to describe the vocations ministry in  America, on the basis of successful experiences in the Provinces and other elements important in the dimension of identity, the context of the various protagonists, mediations, and the expectations of the new Marists of Champagnat.


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