2013-06-12 GENERAL HOUSE

New Marists in mission

The 21st General Chapter has called us to “go with haste into a new land in the spirit of Mendes,” the first International Mission Assembly, which took place in 2007. The Preparatory Commission for the Second International Marist Mission Assembly has responded to that call. We now pass along the invitation to all Marists from around the world to join the pilgrimage toward the Second Marist International Mission Assembly, “New Marists in Mission”. Like the two early Christians on the road to Emmaus, “Our hearts are on fire!”

NairobiThe Second International Mission Assembly will take place in September, 2014 in Nairobi, Kenya. Some of you, representatives from among Lay Marists, the Marist Brothers, and Marist Youth, will be asked to attend the Assembly in Nairobi. However, ALL Marists are called to participate in the preparation phase of this journey: a life-giving process which will involve prayer, reflection, and celebration.

A group from each Administrative Unit will be distributing materials at the local level, which will introduce the call to become “New Marist in Mission” and to aid us in reflections on Spirituality, Vocation – A New Relationship, and Evangelization, the three major themes of the Assembly. All materials are to be used as you see fit.

We encourage you to listen for announcements on the local level as discussions begin. The goal is to involve as many Marists as possible: Brothers, lay adults and the young, among your schools, your Fraternities, the Marist Movements, in all works throughout the world . . . to reflect upon and to share their life experiences as a Marist. Your voices are critically important. Your thoughts and ideas will become the foundation of further discussions that will take place on the Provincial Level and ultimately inspire the work of the Second Marist International Mission Assembly.

“They asked each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while He talked with us on the road?’” (Luke 24:32) We invite all Marists to engage in the journey and to discover your role as “New Marists in Mission”!

Until we meet in Nairobi.

The Preparatory Commission
Read more  | List of subsides for the local and provincial/ district phases


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