2005-10-05 SPAIN

No one becomes a martyr all of a sudden

6th October 1934. 71 years ago Br. Bernardo was assassinated in Barruelo, Spain. He was 45 years old.
The opening page of his Cause summarizes the event in these words:
The Good Shepherd gives his life for his sheep. (John 10:11)

Br. Bernardo had the heart of an apostle. In all the positions he held, he set up a number of initiatives: choirs, former pupils? associations, Catholic Action groups, apostolic movements among the pupils, setting up statues of the Sacred Heart, prayer evenings, open doors, study circles, conferences both cultural and religious, adult education classes, savings banks for the children of the miners, study bursaries, mobile libraries, theatre company, folklore activities, visit to the families of the miners and to the sick, fostering vocations, accompanying the young Brothers ? all this on top of his normal work as headmaster and teacher. He wrote to one of his former pupils: ?Nine hours of
class each day seemed to me no longer than nine minutes, because I got great pleasure in being with the children, and all I was able to do for them seemed little enough.? »

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