Privacy Police

About Us

The Institute of the Marist Brothers (F.M.S. – Fratres Maristæ a Scholis), founded in 1817 by St. Marcellin Champagnat, is a Catholic religious congregation headquartered in Rome, Italy. For more information, visit our Contact us page.


What Information We Gather

We may gather certain information, either personal or anonymous, based on your activities or data submitted while browsing our website, in the following formats.


Form information

If you submit a contact form, mailing list signup form on our website, we collect any personal data submitted by you (Name, Email Address).


Statistical information

Our website uses the following tools to collect statistical information about browsing behaviour and device or browser information, in order to improve the experience of our website:

If you have a Facebook user account, are logged into Facebook and visit our website, Facebook may use your browsing behaviour to personalize your experience on their website. Their usage of this information is subject to their privacy policy. If you would like to opt out of Facebook data collection for advertising purposes, you can change your ad settings here.

To opt out of Google Analytics data collection, you can install this tool.


Cookie information

We collect cookies, both directly and through trusted third-parties, in order to improve the performance and user experience on our website.


Embedded content from other websites

Articles on this site may occasionally include embedded content (e.g. videos). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the other website.

We use the following websites/platforms to embed content:

These website may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracing your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to that website.

Because we do not control the information policies or practices of these third parties, you should review their privacy policies to learn more about how they collect and use personally identifiable information.



We may provide links to third-party websites, such as those of our Administrative Unities websites. While on these sites, these parties may collect information about you. Because we do not control the information policies or practices of these third parties, you should review their privacy policies to learn more about how they collect and use personally identifiable information.


How We Use Your Information

We may use your personal information when we have a valid reason to do so. This includes:

  1. Deliver subscriber services (ie. mailing list blast);
  2. Process and respond to a directly submitted inquiry or request;
  3. Personalize services in order to provide a better user experience;
  4. Improve our website experience.

You have the right to request that we cease to use or store your information.


How We Protect Your Information

We take the greatest care in the security of your submitted information. Our website uses up-to-date Secure Socket Layers (SSL) encryption in order to protect the transmission of your data upon submission to our servers.


Where your information is stored

Depending on the type of information you have submitted, your data will either be stored securely in a database on our server; or in the database of our trusted third-party partners, if data was directly submitted by you for a particular purpose on our website. These third-party partners include:

  1. MailChimp – for email mailing list subscriptions;
  2. Google – for anonymous statistical information, and/or personalized data (for visitors from outside the EU)
  3. Facebook – for statistical and personalization information;
  4. Third-party ad vendors – through the usage of cookies.

Information stored by these third-parties are protected by and subject to their privacy policy. You can find their policies at the links below:

MailChimp   Google   Facebook


International Transfers

Due to the multinational locations of our servers, as well as our third-party partners, any information which you consented to providing may be transferred to a location outside of the country or region you are located in. Data will only be transferred to either:

  1. our servers;
  2. trusted third-party partners, as indicated in the above section, which we determine to have adequate transparency and security parameters in place for the protection, storage and accessibility of your data.


Data breach prevention

Our servers and website infrastructure are kept up to date to protect against a data breach via a third party attack.

In the unlikely event of a breach where your stored data is, or may have been compromised, we will inform you within 24 hours after becoming aware of the data breach, and provide you with our action(s) taken in order to protect your data moving forward.

Note that due to a multitude of different vulnerabilities which are present during the submission of data and are outside of our control (local computer viruses, unsecured/compromised internet connections, etc.), we cannot guarantee and are not responsible for compromised data which occurs during the submission of data and as the result of such factors outside of our control. However, once the data has been submitted and is stored in our infrastructure, we ensure that the data is responsibly held and secured.


Data Controller

Complaints, concerns or requests will be fielded by the Data Protection Officer who can be reached by filling out a request on this page.


How Long We Store Your Data For

Personally information submitted directly on our website through a form is stored indefinitely, or until manual deletion is requested.

Data collected by Google for statistical and personalization purposes is retained for 50 months before being deleted automatically. More information about Google’s data retention policy can be found here.