2014-10-06 ARGENTINA

Province of Cruz del Sur

A group of 15 Brothers of the Province of Cruz del Sur gathered from 16 to 18 September in the House of Spiritual Exercises of Córdoba, founded by Blessed José Gabriel del Rosario Brochero, to celebrate a year since his beatification by Pope Francis (14 – 09 – 2013).

This priest, born the year of our Founder’s death, worked like Marcellin for the human and religious promotion of a neglected region. With simple and quite daring language for the time, he knew how to approach the most hardened consciences and situations of life.

As Marists, this group of Brothers lived the experience of coming close to the charism from the vision and example of this Blessed from the mountainous heart of Argentina. A time to meditate on the  "brocheriana" experience, the charismatic dedication to the situations of spiritual and material poverty of the world in which it is our responsibility to do our apostolic work. A time to enjoy the benefit of the mountain climate and the company of confrères, sharing experiences of life and desires of spirituality. 



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