2007-05-14 ARGENTINA

Province of ?Cruz del Sur?

In the afternoon of the 29th April our expected visitors arrived after having visited the District of Paraguay. In the evening during dinner they were welcomed to the community of the Provincial House.
Monday morning, after the celebration of the Eucharist and breakfast, they had a first meeting with some brothers from the Council in order to organise the programme of their presence in our Province. At midday there was an official reception with the brothers of the Provincial House and some neighbours and visitors. In the evening they left for Pilar.

On Tuesday 1st May around 9:30am and in the presence of some sixty brothers who had come from the different communities of Buenos Aires, we were able to start the first meeting programmed in their itinerary. There was a time for prayer and a presentation of the action of the congregation in mission and spirituality. Two PowerPoints were used to illustrate the panorama of the pastoral ministry of the congregation; the subject was centred especially on ?Mission ad gentes? and the meeting in Mendes in Brazil. Brother Hilario, ready to depart for India, gave us a short report on his experience of missionary formation in Davao.
The work in communities was, in the second place, an occasion to present the strengths and the things to be improved in community and in the Province during the coming years. Thus our Councillors were able to have a small sondage on the Provincial progress in this area as well as the way in which the brothers fell about it and live it. This was then enriched more completely.

Brothers Demetrio and Max presented through a PowerPoint display the schema of the levels of government and animation as well as its dynamic organigramme.
Lunch brought this fraternal meeting to an end, a good service of the brothers of the residence at Pilar.

In this kind of meeting, our Brother Councillors try to advance the Provincial processes, their achievements and advances as well as their difficulties and limits. God acts in history in harmony with the people who seek the best for their brothers and sisters. Thus, many times he shows his mercy by acting despite that. May this presence amongst us be for us an encouragement to seek new pathways of fraternity, of community life, of apostolic renewal and of shared mission!

Brother Eduardo Gatti


Brother Sean Sammon in South America...


The Provincial Secretaries meet together...