2013-10-29 MALAWI

Province of Southern Africa

The Provincial Chapter of Southern Africa was held in Mtendere from 18 to 21 October. On the morning of the 19th, Br Antonio Ramalho C.G. read out the resolution of the General Council on 18 July confirming Br Joseph Walton in his second term as Provincial. At the end of the Chapter, the assembly approved a communique to the Province, which we are publishing below. Brothers from the neighbouring communities and the 11 postulants of the Province were present at the closing Eucharist, and shared in the convivial meal which followed.


We the delegates of the Sixth Provincial Chapter feel compelled to write a communiqué to brief you on what has taken place. The atmosphere that prevailed during the meeting as we sat at round tables was conducive to creating a sense of unity and openness.

The Chapter took place in Mtendere, Malawi. It started in the evening of 18th October 2013, soon after supper with a prayer led by the Malawian capitulants. The prayer in a special way remembered and paid tribute to Brothers Vincent Chunga, Aidan Bridge, Anthony Docherty, Kizito Bute and Martin Xavier who died since the last Provincial Chapter. After the prayer, the preparatory committee explained the proposed time table and then scrutators were chosen. The Provincial then conducted the roll call which indicated that all the 22 capitulants were present.

The second day started with a prayer led by South African capitulants and it concentrated on the poor children and was inspired by the circular, Sowers of Hope (Br. Charles Howard).

This was followed by the Provincial’s report and assessment of the past three years. He shared more on the work done in the past three years as mandated by the previous Chapter. It focused on the successes and challenges the province is facing. The report concentrated on the following themes: vocation and perseverance, mission, laity, new ways of being brother, community, formation, communication, commissions and finances.

Thereafter, the capitulants worked in groups reflecting on the report. This led to the identification of priorities that the Provincial and his council should concentrate on in the next three years.  The following were brought out as the most pressing issues: strategic plan for the Province, Financial self-sustaining projects, vocation promotion, post MIC on-going formation, concern for the poor children and community animation

On the third day, the capitulants started by reaffirming the priorities and the proposed ways and means of achieving and or realizing the proposed priorities for the province.

Another important issue was a report on the finances of the Province. According to the report, only two out of the six countries are self reliant and make financial contribution to the Province. Generally the province is in financial difficulties. Brothers suggested strongly that the Province should move towards self reliance.

Management structure of the Province was also a very crucial issue that was tabled. Two proposals were brought up to either change the number of councilors or to maintain the existing system. The capitulants voted to maintain the old structure where six councilors are elected from each country making up the Province.

The day closed with nominations in preparation for the elections of the Provincial councilors

The fourth day commenced with a prayer led by Brothers from Angola. The prayer had “Laity” as a theme and they used Br Seán’s circular, Making Jesus Known and Loved, to lead the Chapter into prayer.

The Chapter then proceeded with the election of the Councillors. The following Brothers were elected:

Angola:  Br. Tomas Sawayenga
Malawi: Br. Frank Mwambucha
Mozambique: Br. Felizardo Maceia
South Africa: Br. Jude Pieterse
Zambia: Bro Patrick Bushilya
Zimbabwe: Br. Fortune Chakasara (who was later appointed Deputy Provincial)


The Chapter has taken time to set the priorities and areas that we feel are of great concern. It has also provided some possible solutions.

We urge you dear Brothers and all our collaborators that we move with passion to assist the Provincial and his council whenever we are called upon to respond to these urgent needs.

It is our hope that the articulated priorities will be put into a workable plan of action which will surely rely on all of us to be implemented successfully.

It is our hope and prayer that together with Mary our Good Mother, we will go in haste to the new land!

United as Little Brothers of Mary


The Members of the Sixth Provincial Chapter

Closing Address to the 6th Provincial Chapter of the Southern African Province:
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Institute of Marist Studies...