2013-03-13 GERMANY

Province of West-Central Europe

On april 1st, easter monday, the fifth provincial chapter of the province of west-central europe begins in St. Ottilien, Germany. 16 elected brothers and the Provincial, Brother Brendan Geary, will be together until April 5th to discuss the current situation of the province, determine the course for the next three years, and choose the members of the provincial council. On wednesday, april 3rd, lay guests will be present at the chapter.

As any chapter, this one, too, is an important event which comprises more than discussions and formulating texts. The capitulants represent all the brothers in the province and will try to have an understanding of their hopes and desires, concerns and expectations. Through prayer, reflection and discussion they will look for signs that may indicate the direction the province is to take at this stage of its spiritual journey.


A shared responsibility...


Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum...