2019-10-18 FRANCE

Regional Meeting of the Champagnat Movement of the Marist Family

On September 28, the regional meeting of the Champagnat Movement of the Marist Family took place at the Marist Fathers house, La Neylière, in the Lyon hills. The meeting brought together representatives from six fraternities in the central region of France. Also invited were laity belonging to other Marist groups, including local Marist ministry teams and brothers from the surrounding communities. We were about forty.

This initiative was a response to the call of the General Chapter, inviting everyone to become passionately involved in building a lifestyle of family, open to all. It also responded to the call to build bridges, accentuated by the province Forum and Chapter.

The main objective of the day was to sensitize those gathered to the updated Personal Life Project and to outline the program of Marist Formation.

Well prepared times of reflection as well as the impressive personal sharing of lay Marist, Michele Ragni, allowed for deep sharing. A time of celebration in the chapel of Neylière brought the day to a close.

The warm welcome, the shared picnic in the grounds, lit by a beautiful sun that day, fostered an atmosphere of joy and peace. It certainly gave encouragement to start again with this updated project and also to deepen the Marist charism in our daily lives.


Manu GĂłmez Cid, Assistant Director of the Se...


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