2024-06-19 GENERAL HOUSE

RMSI Assembly: Wednesday, June 18

RMSI Assembly | Photos in Facebook

The third day of the Assembly of the Marist International Solidarity Network was characterized by group work, which concentrated on the elaboration of action plans for the focus groups.

Wednesday began with a morning prayer prepared by Inma Maíllo, from the Executive Committee of the Network. This was followed by work in the six groups. On the second day, the groups had worked on the themes of social works and rights. Today they worked on the other three thematic groups: ecology, NGOs/foundations and education in/for solidarity.

In the afternoon, the first session included two presentations. Brother Valdícer Fachi, Assistant Director of the Secretariat of Solidarity-Cmi, spoke on Marist Volunteers International. He highlighted the path taken by the volunteer network, the challenges it faces and the dreams of its protagonists. Above all, he reminded the participants in the Assembly that “volunteering is solidarity in action”. Ángel Diego Otaola, director of the same Secretariat, then reviewed the maps of the Institute’s social works and of the NGOs and foundations, asking for everyone’s collaboration in the collection of data so that the Institute can have a clear idea of the scope of its work in solidarity. The maps presented here down are a draft, under construction.

After this session, the group had a moment of rest and the opportunity to visit the city of Rome.


MSIN Assembly: Tuesday, June 18...


MSIN Assembly: Thursday, June 20...