2006-05-11 BRAZIL

SEMEAR ? formation of laypeople

The animation and formation Commission of laypeople in the Province of Brasil Centro-Norte has held a session of SEMEAR for the formation of laypeople on the following subjects: Marist history, charism and spirituality. The meeting took place from the 18th to the 31st March at the Marist Centre of Extremoz in Rio Grande do Norte. This event brought together thirty-nine laypeople from different groups in the Province.

Through sharing, praying, serving and rediscovering the other, God and oneself, the experience of SEMEAR allows the participants to open more and to belong to the Kingdom: a new way of being a Christian in the Marist Institute and in society.

The main aspects of this time of formation together were: the study of the life and letters of Saint Marcellin Champagnat, a reflection on the persons of Jesus Christ and of Mary, the approach of apostolic spirituality and the mission of the lay Marist in the Church and in the world. Some brothers and laypeople had prepared all the activities with intense moments of personal and community prayer; celebrations and times of fraternisation completed the formation programme.

SEMEAR is a significant experience for all who want to realise Champagnat?s dream, brothers and laypeople together, in the communion of life and at the service of children and young people from different environments.

The Commission for the integration and animation of laypeople


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