2005-10-15 GUATEMALA

Some information of recent events that we have experienced in Central America

A few lines to give you some information of recent events that we have experienced and continue to experience here in Central America.
You know that we have just been suffering the consequences of Hurricane Stan. These were days of intense rain which caused floods and mudslides. It has been a time of death and destruction.
At present there have been more than 300 deaths in Salvador and Guatemala; the number could rise to as many as 1200. A lot of families have lost their homes and have nothing. Several villages have been carried away by or buried under mudslides. Means of communication have been seriously damaged. At the present time, several villages are cut off and it is difficult to get indispensable provisions like food and potable water to them.

Our works have not been affected, but three colleges are being used as refuge areas for several families and two of them have welcomed more than 200 refugees. We have a community in a village of Salvador which is still isolated. The brothers are doing what they can to transport food with their vehicle in the places where the people would have to otherwise carry this on their shoulders.
Once more we find ourselves faced with the mystery of suffering which hits the poorest and most vulnerable of people. It is endearing to discover in them the courage to continue to think that there is a future and that life is worth being lived, as difficult as it seems to be.
I warmly thank all the brothers who have shown interest in our situation and who have offered their collaboration. The more difficult task starts now: we especially need to find means for the people who are abandoned to find a suitable place to live and continue their fight for survival.

Once more thank you and I pray that our God who is full of mercy will comfort those who are the most affected by this drama.

Fraternally yours,
Brother Adolfo Cermeño


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