2005-08-25 COLOMBIA

Sowing and watering, Semar continues to help us to grow!

In July, we held the second area meeting of SEMAR (Marist Seed) movement in Popayán. Semar is a pastoral-vocational movement for young people. It was started 12 years ago in Colombia and little by little has evolved into a very strong system of pastoral work with children. The members are children from 8 to 11 years from agricultural areas who feel a deep identity with the Marist charism.
As it is the movement with most members in the whole country, the national team has planned two area encounters, one for the children in the south of the country and another for those in the north. The first one was for the southern sector and it took place in Colegio Champagnat in Popayán, which adapted some living space into sleeping quarters and put all their facilities at our disposal; we spent 5 days there, strengthening the identity of the Seeds (members) and Sowers (animators) through the methodology of learning through play.
The work was divided into sessions of prayer, music, games and catechesis concerning the values that nourish Semar and the great pillars of Marist spirituality: Jesus, Mary and Champagnat. There were 155 participants altogether, Brothers, sowers and seeds of Sibundoy, Ipiales, Pasto, Popayán, Cali and Medellín. We hope that the result of this activity will be a dynamic force for the SEMAR movement for each Marist group which took part.
Sowing and watering, Semar continues to help us to grow! With Jesus Mary and Champagnat, the seeds will grow!

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